
Guestbook Entry #21
Visitor Name: Bob Devine
Visitor's Info: Male, 56
HomePage url: http://www.waterbill.com
You Are From: Mt. Holly, USA
Your Comments:I lived at Bonnie Brae for 2 years, and have fond memories of my time there. My time on "The Farm" gave me a break from an abusive home, and gave me a chance to build the self esteem needed to survive. I feel a close kinship with other boys who went through the Bonnie Brae experience, whether I actually knew them or not.

Guestbook Entry #20
Visitor Name: W.Z. "Bill" Smith, Jr.
Visitor's Info: Male, 72
HomePage url: None
You Are From: Whiting, NJ, US
Your Comments:Private message. Click here to read it.

Guestbook Entry #19
Visitor Name: Gordon E. Verge
Visitor's Info: Male, 75
HomePage url: 
You Are From: Atlantic Highlands, Nj., USA
Your Comments:I would like to say hello to any one from the 1939 - 1941 classes. My brother John Verge also attened from 39-43. We would love to hear from anyone!!

Guestbook Entry #18
Visitor Name: Alex Keay
Visitor's Info: Male, 66
HomePage url: 
You Are From: Titusville, USA
Your Comments:I was a resident from July 1941 to June 1951. I have many memories of Bonnie Brae!

Guestbook Entry #17
Visitor Name: Frank C. Hickethier
Visitor's Info: Male, 66
HomePage url: 
You Are From: colorado Springs, U.S.A.
Your Comments:So many memories come flooding into my mind as I scan through the pages of the memory book. In short I was a "farm boy" from 1948 to near 1952 at which time I left BB, joined the Navy, went to work for N.J.Bell Telco. met and married my loving wife Alice, met and loved the Lord, became a christian in 1955, have four children, moved to Co. Spgs in 1972, retired in 1995. Would love to hear from any alumni of that era.

Guestbook Entry #16
Visitor Name: Frank C. Hickethier
Visitor's Info: Male, 66
HomePage url: 
You Are From: Colorado Springs, U.S.A.
Your Comments:I lived at BB from 1948 to almost 1952. Some of you may remember me as " Hicky ". It seems I was in trouble all the time and I ran away from the farm once or twice, not because I didn't like it there but for the challenge of it. I loved BB and let me state that if not for BB, I feel that today I would surely be in a prison some where. You may recall that I played basketball for Bernards HS. and also for BB as well as football. During this time I

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